Shaping the future.

Change and stability in harmony.

Digitalisation presents us with new challenges. Our environment is in a permanent state of change, which is accelerating even further. We see this change as an opportunity, because curiosity and courage have always been the principle of success: we proactively shape new markets and technologies, expand digital competence and invest in new business models.

For the next
generation LOBBE.

UVentures Team

Impulse giver, sparring partner, mastermind, designer.

UVENTURES is the Lobbe Group company that drives innovative business models, corporate ventures and digital transformation. In order to master the challenges of the present and the future, the team is managing our transformation ambidextrously: that is, on the one hand, processes and workflows are being optimized in today's organization. At the same time, we are working in new structures on the digital business areas of tomorrow.


Lobbe has everything it takes to be as successful the day after tomorrow as it is today. Our task is to channel this energy toward the future.


Cooperation, co-creation, corporate ventures:

One of the keys to sustainable success is the ability to cooperate. That's why we invest specifically in courageous start-up teams, look for partners to close loops, and cooperate in the development of new technologies and business areas.

Lobbe Innovation Day 2025

Exclusive, personal, inspiring: the Innovation Day 2025

An exclusive event that brings together family businesses, SMEs and innovative start-ups.

Join in and use your stage - on May 8, 2025.

Networking, providing impetus, developing business.
For innovators, thought leaders and initiators of the circular economy.

Whether as a speaker, on a panel or as an exhibitor: We look forward to your innovative spirit and your experience.

Circular Startup Pitch 2025

At the "Circular Startup Pitch", you can present your business model to leading entrepreneurs and industry experts from the circular economy. Expand your networkfind
strategic partnerspotential investors and gain new opportunities for your growth.

Digital road condition monitoring

With the cooperation between vialytics and Lobbe, the condition of your infrastructure is automatically recorded and analyzed. Lobbe refuse collection vehicles regularly record image data as part of their waste disposal journeys. In the vialytics web system, you can plan effective measures based on the current data and manage all maintenance and upkeep tasks in one place. Your depot is ready for digitalization.

We believe in the power of networks and are therefore proud to be part of them: