Canal technology

Sewer rehabilitation

If damage to the sewage system is detected during a leakage test, it is high time to act. Which repair or rehabilitation method is then used depends on the individually determined damage patterns. At Lobbe, advice on the appropriate procedure is therefore an absolute must, also in the context of an economic efficiency analysis.

Lobbe offers a cost-effective alternative to new construction with state-of-the-art liner technologies in all approved variants and materials. This technology enables the trenchless restoration or connection of existing drainage systems and their functionality within short rehabilitation times.

Applied procedures and techniques for sewer rehabilitation:

On site

There for you

Lobbe Kanaltechnik GmbH & Co KG
Hagen Branch
Tiegelstraße 6–10
D-58093 Hagen

Phone: +49 2331 – 7888 307
Fax: +49 2331 – 7888 289

Lobbe Kanaltechnik GmbH & Co KG
Paderborn Branch
Teutoburger Str. 13
D-33104 Paderborn-Sennelager

Phone: +49 5254 - 9951 0
Fax: +49 5254 - 9951 289