Canal technology

Leak test

Every owner is responsible for the maintenance of his wastewater pipes. The basic rule is that your wastewater systems must be leak-proof. This is based on DIN EN 1610, and a leak test is usually carried out as part of the building inspection. However, an inspection of the wastewater pipes can also have other reasons, for example if you have a concrete suspicion of a leak or it is about a warranty acceptance.

Lobbe has the required expertise for leak testing for public collector sewers and for large wastewater networks in industry as well as in private wastewater systems.

We inspect your existing or new connection pipes, pipeline networks, manholes and shaft structures as well as joints with a diameter of 30 centimetres to 2 metres.

You can expect this service from our leak test:

On site

There for you

Lobbe Kanaltechnik GmbH & Co KG
Hagen Branch
Tiegelstraße 6–10
D-58093 Hagen

Phone: +49 2331 – 7888 307
Fax: +49 2331 – 7888 289

Lobbe Kanaltechnik GmbH & Co KG
Paderborn Branch
Teutoburger Str. 13
D-33104 Paderborn-Sennelager

Phone: +49 5254 - 9951 0
Fax: +49 5254 - 9951 289