A warm welcome
Making people's lives and work systematically easier, safer and more productive with the best possible services - that is our daily motivation.
A family business serving the future for the next generation. Thinking ahead, doing better.
Lobbe is an experienced specialist in remediation with practical solutions and complete project management from the first step to the last work step.
Industrial service
With its industrial service, Lobbe ensures the highest possible availability of the technical resources of industrial companies.
Sewer services
Everything from a single source. Lobbe has thus secured a firm position as a provider of comprehensive sewer services and is now one of those few companies that can look back on many years of operation.
Average management
To ensure that the effects of accidents involving environmentally and water-polluting substances are kept to a minimum, Lobbe's oil spill response specialists are on standby day and night in such situations.
"Become part of our team!"
Top Topics
Insight into the circular economy: Paul Ziemiak visits Lobbe in Iserlohn
Paul Ziemiak, member of the Bundestag (CDU), accompanied the employees of Lobbe Umweltservice as part of his summer tour.
Start into the future: 53 new trainees at Lobbe
The Lobbe Group is delighted to welcome a total of 53 new trainees who are taking the first step into their professional future.
E-waste collection started
It is Lobbe's first fully electric waste collection vehicle and a pioneering investment in the future that sets new standards in environmental protection and efficiency.
Customer portal
Business portal
The Lobbe customer portal enables our commercial customers to process orders quickly and comprehensibly around the clock. This is real added value for our customers, because they can plan and place orders online, track the current status at any time, regardless of location, and manage their waste volumes. This service is free of charge for contract customers. To use this service, simply send us an e-mail at:
You can find detailed information about the trade portal here.
Municipalities portal
The electronic waste verification procedure
The Lobbe EANV customer portal - it couldn't be easier. All you need is a PC with Internet access, a card reader and a personal signature card. Simply log in with your user name and password and off you go. A clear menu design guides you safely through all areas and functions of the electronic waste records procedure. Detailed information on EANV can be found here.
Container service
Citizen information
Do you have a question about waste collection or need other information?
Give us a call!
Service number
+49 2371 4340
Collection dates
Numerous cities and municipalities rely on the reliable disposal of municipal waste by Lobbe. The collection dates for the various types of waste are published on the websites of the cities or the special-purpose associations.
Hazardous waste mobile
To ensure that the effects of accidents involving environmentally and water-polluting substances are kept to a minimum, Lobbe's oil spill response specialists are on standby day and night in such situations.
Separation tips
Sales packaging is made from a wide variety of materials. But they have one thing in common - if they are disposed of and recycled separately, they save valuable resources. What belongs where and what becomes of it, in a short guide ...