Many internal work processes are optimised, from employee time recording to assignment documentation. Instead of using digital cameras and sending e-mails, site managers and foremen on Kluge renovation projects now communicate via app. The digital construction file is accessible to all involved employees of Kluge Sanierung and thus also brings more security and transparency in the exchange with clients and service providers.
Never miss a collection again with the Lobbe app. and know when which bin is collected on which day. is collected on which day.
In addition to digitization projects in the area of sales, a customer portal for a smooth and fast exchange of information, and simple order placement around the clock, Lobbe will in the future rely on a digital document flow from the submission of the offer to the final invoice. To this end, all vehicles in the Waste Management business unit will be equipped with a new telematics solution. This means that in the future, service bills will be carried digitally via tablets and the paperless cab will become more and more of a reality. In the future, customers will also benefit from this introduction, as they will receive all documents such as service vouchers, invoices, and accompanying papers electronically.
Lobbe also offers digital solutions to municipal customers. This involves digital communication between the waste disposal company and the customer, as well as the optimization of workflows. Both sides use an online communication portal for this purpose. All communication is handled via the portal. All orders and the processing progress can be tracked transparently.
This involves, for example, registering the collection of bulky waste or electrical appliances or container management. For some time now, Lobbe has been offering citizens a free app for Android and iOS that contains the municipal collection dates. With the Lobbe app on their cell phones, users receive the most important services related to waste disposal for their hand and pocket. The smartphone app reminds citizens in good time of the collection of residual/organic waste or waste paper. For SmartHome users, the collection dates can be used in iCal format for the private Outlook calendar or SmartHome applications such as Alexa or GoogleHome.
In industrial cleaning, automation by means of computer-assisted processes at Lobbe ensures additional occupational safety, for example, when residues remain in production facilities that need to be removed from pipelines, heat exchangers or tanks. In this context, computerized and automated cleaning is an innovative step. The Robotized Lance Frame used here covers all three axes - width, height, depth - of a heat exchanger. On the frame there is a movable working head controlled by remote control and equipped with special nozzles.
Teaching of the working head only has to be carried out once per heat exchanger. Then the data for the next cleaning interval can be called up immediately. If the staff brings the working head to the starting point of the next cleaning position with the remote control, the computer automatically and precisely controls the next selected target point. This increases the safety of the staff to a maximum and the cleaning process can be reproduced as often as desired while maintaining predefined quality parameters.
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+49 2371 4340
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