Final show of strength for a clean landfill

100,000 tonnes of soil prepared

In Lusatia, a structurally weak region, around 8,000 jobs are directly linked to lignite, as well as
another 16,000 jobs at suppliers. There are always discussions about "pro" and "contra" lignite.
This is also the case in Proschim, a small town on the edge of the Welzow-Süd open-cast lignite mine.

However, the 350 Proschim citizens were unanimous on this issue: the old "mayor's landfill", located in the
apron of the active Welzow open-cast mine, must be cleaned up. The last feat was reserved for Lobbe
with the processing of about 100,000 tonnes of soil interspersed with impurities. The material came from the first reprocessing of the landfill waste. Because landfill space is extremely scarce in Brandenburg and the acceptance parameters are stricter than in other federal states, it was necessary to filter out primarily glass and plastics, but also wood, metals, leftover roofing felt and construction waste.

From 2019, according to the plans presented by Vattenfall at the time, the redeveloped area will be dredged over.

"If over-excavation takes place, the overburden must not contain any contaminants. That's why the landfill had to be cleaned up," says Stefan Heller, project manager at Lobbe Industrieservice. At the end of June, the last Lobbe truck rolled off the site, one month earlier than required. The
landfill with an area of 2.6 hectares and a volume of around 130,000 m³ is thus history.

There is something typical about the GDR history of the site. From 1953 to 1990, the site was used as an industrial
settling basin for flushing in coal slurry from the former Haidemühl briquette factory. The household waste landfill was built in parallel above the flushed-in residues on the south-eastern slope of the site and served as a dumping ground for
waste until its official closure in 1990. After that, however, dumping continued illegally at night and in the fog, which has always been a major thorn in the side of the Proschim citizens.

Processing of around 100,000 tonnes of soil with mobile technology

Around 5,000 truckloads were removed from the landfill site


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