Schwarze Pumpe: Structural change in the soil too

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Half-time in the soil remediation at the former Spremberg gas combine. It was the largest energy combine in the former GDR. Until the 1990s, briquette factories, electricity and steam generation, coking plants and town gas production were located on the Schwarze Pumpe site. Up to 125,000 tonnes of raw lignite per day were delivered from the surrounding opencast mines, processed and around 85 per cent of the total town gas [...]

100,000 tonnes of soil prepared

Final show of strength for a clean landfill

Last show of strength for a clean landfill 100,000 tonnes of soil processed In Lusatia, a structurally weak region, around 8,000 jobs are directly linked to lignite, as well as a further 16,000 jobs with suppliers. There are always discussions about "pro" and "contra" lignite. This was also the case in Proschim, a small town on the edge of the Welzow-Süd open-cast lignite mine. There was agreement among the [...]