Waste wood part 2: Recycling according to new rules
Waste wood processing according to today's standards The currently valid Waste Wood Ordinance is being revised and amended. Politicians see the need for an amendment because the previous ordinance, which has been in force since 2002, no longer meets the current requirements for the circular economy. The main focus of the changes is to put more untreated wood of the waste wood class A1 back into [...]
Waste wood Part 1: Processing and recovery
Waste wood processing according to today's standards An amendment to the Waste Wood Ordinance is planned and under political discussion. But until that happens, waste wood is classified, sorted, shredded and recycled according to the current Waste Wood Ordinance at Lobbe's state-of-the-art waste wood recycling plant in Hagen. Biomass power plants and recycling In Germany, eight million tonnes of waste wood are recycled annually, only 1.5 million [...]