
Digital road condition survey

The intelligent road management system in cooperation with vialytics

With the cooperation between vialytics and Lobbe, the condition of your infrastructure is automatically recorded and analyzed. Lobbe refuse collection vehicles regularly record image data as part of their waste disposal journeys. In the vialytics web system, you can plan effective measures based on the current data and manage all maintenance and upkeep tasks in one place. Your depot is ready for digitalization.
Your advantages

Save money

Check the condition of the road before each winter to preventively fill cracks and joints.

Save time

With data collected by Lobbe, you can speed up route inspections and save on-site appointments.

Receiving backing

Objective data supports you in the next generation.

Keeping an overview

Maintain an overview of all maintenance measures in your building yard.

Maintaining legal certainty

Your route control is automatically documented in a legally compliant manner via GPS.

Strengthen cooperation

Your colleagues from the public order or green space office also benefit from up-to-date images.


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Learn more

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Pilot project city of Menden: Link to the WDR television media library (at 3:16 min)

Contact person

Lukas Jacobs
Municipal sales

Phone: +49 2904 9702-255
Fax: +49 2904 9702-115

Malte Werkner
Project Management | Business Development

U! Ventures GmbH
Am Großen Teich 20, 58640 Iserlohn

Mobile: +49 151 40664822

When waste becomes raw material:
Our recyclates as an active contribution to resource conservation.

Use recyclable materials. Control pollutants. With services for industry, commerce, citizens and municipalities.