The end of security?

This was the working title of a knowledge forum held a few days ago, which dealt with serious changes in the framework conditions for the disposal of commercial and hazardous waste. For the recycling and disposal of waste has long since ceased to be a regional or national problem. As in almost all other areas, the interrelationships are becoming more and more complex and global, and the resulting changes have considerable consequences for all those involved. The speakers conveyed this very clearly to the approximately 150 guests in the SASE Forum in Iserlohn with their presentations.

"New Waste Legislation Framework and its Significance for Waste Management in Companies".

Dr. Simon Meyer (Wolter Hoppenberg Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbH) dealt with the increasing legal regulation in his presentation. He gave an outlook on the large number of innovations in waste law, most of which will probably be passed during this legislative period. To the lecture

"Waste incineration in transition"

The presentation by Dr Jochen Hoffmeister (Prognos AG) explained, among other things, factors influencing the development of quantities and capacities of thermal treatment plants and gave an outlook on their future role in the circular economy. To the lecture

"Developments on the (secondary) commodity markets - a practical report".

Using the example of various secondary raw materials from the recycling of the dual systems, Markus Hildebrandt (omnirec GmbH & Co KG) described the developments on the national and international raw material markets. To the lecture

The experts' presentations made it clear in a very practical way which challenges will have to be mastered in the future in the interplay of the presented topic aspects. Shorter planning cycles and more organisational flexibility will determine everyday waste management. A development that will challenge both waste producers and disposal service providers. "This makes it all the more important to deal with the new requirements at an early stage, to shed light on the interrelationships and to discuss them openly. The Knowledge Forum was a very good setting for such a dialogue based on partnership," summarised Managing Director Christoph Aßmann. The interest and the reactions of the guests in many discussions proved him right.


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